The Good, The Bad and The Ugly an Update on my Barefoot journey

So it’s been a while since my last post and in a short month it’s been a roller coaster ride of up’s and down’s.

The Good

So come the turn of the year my running was going great. Felt fantastic and also seemed i could run for ever. I was still keeping to my ground rules of running only a maximum of 5 miles in my barefoot shoes and switching to my Saucony Kinvara’s for anything longer. It was around this time i decided i wanted to do the GA Half Marathon in March. So i stepped up the training over night. Instead of doing just the one lap of my course i would double the distance too two laps and a 9+ mile run. After 3 of these in quick succession my knee really started to hurt.

The Bad

Thinking i could run it off i gave it another go with my knee in pain from the get go, Bad move. I hobbled around the 5 miles and went off to see my friendly neighborhood orthopedic Dr. Here my naivety showed through, Where i was being “careful-ish” with my barefoot running transition, i gave my knees and legs no such benefit. I may well be able to run a half marathon from a cardio stand point, but that does not mean my legs can, right off the bat. This was a big set back and took me out of the running for a good few weeks, while the anti-infamatories worked on my knee.

On top of that, I was rock climbing with Sophie and Ian. After watching Sophie performing all kinds of awesomeness on the rock wall at Stone Summit, i decided I’d give it a go, and try a move that was in retrospect way out of my league. Without stretching and warming up first. The outcome of this fiasco was me falling off the wall and pulling my groin in the process. Thus my extended break from running. Still I’m back now and pushing to get back to my beginning of the year pace, and slowly this time build up my distance, to run a half a little later in the year.

The Ugly

Just in time really as i have two ugly / messy races this weekend and next. This weekend I’ll be being chased by the undead. A small Zombie army will be trying to eat me, as i fly through the 5k obstacle course

The second which will be much harder is the GA Spartan race. 4 miles and genuinely tough obstacles await me there. Wish me luck for that one.

I did however have a warm up race back on the 18th of Feb, far from race fitness I finished the Run The Reagan 10k road race in 56:37 which all things considered I’m pretty happy with. My goal was to beat an hour and i easily did that.

About simonjcole

I am Founder and CEO of Thames Agencyworks. And a Subaru Ambassador. My daughter Sophie is also a Subaru Ambassador and avid Rock Climber. I am also a runner doing many obstacle races each year. Specifically the Spartan Races. View all posts by simonjcole

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