Tag Archives: Athletic

The Natural Running Debate

barefoot running

Image via Wikipedia

Here is a great post from Sam Murphy, He attended UKSEM’s (UK Sport and Exercise Medicine Conference) debate on natural running. It was a panel debate that consisted of Professor Daniel Lieberman, podiatrist Simon Bartold, Professor Benno Nigg, Professor Daniel Howell and Dr Matthias Marquardt.


From what little i know, as a relative newbe to this field, i agree with Sam’s conclusions that running is all about form and injuries stem from poor form. The major trouble being the traditional running shoe and it supporting a non-natural running technique. One of the key interesting points of the debate, regardless of the panelists views of the current barefoot running trend and the various shoes that are sale now, they all agreed on what a running shoe does not need. That is that: a running shoe shouldn’t need: cushioning, stiffness, medial posting, arch support or a heel raise.

Great writing from Sam, and it will be interested to see how sneakers start to change as this debate goes on.