Barefoot Running Stress Fractures. A theory from @joemaller

Here is a great theory from Joe Maller (@joemaller) on the stress fractures that some barefoot runners or should i say minimalist shoe wearing runners are seeing when they try too much too soon. I had always thought that it was the impact that was causing the fractures in our feet. Due to not allowing out bones to strengthen properly.

Joe however put forward the theory that its the increased frictional forces that the minimalist shoes allow us to produce while running that are causing these. He specifically mentions that the injuries tend to happen several months into training as speed increases.

I find this a compelling argument as i am finding my overall pace increasing and i am running a full min/mi faster than i was prior to wearing the Merrell’s. It’s a great piece and well worth the read.

About simonjcole

I am Founder and CEO of Thames Agencyworks. And a Subaru Ambassador. My daughter Sophie is also a Subaru Ambassador and avid Rock Climber. I am also a runner doing many obstacle races each year. Specifically the Spartan Races. View all posts by simonjcole

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